NTPC Family

21-12-2022 | read

NTPC Farakka organised “Ash User Meet” on 21st December 2022. On this occasion, Shri Sanjiv Kumar, CGM (Farakka), along with Sh. Bijay Manual GM(O&M), Sh. NK Sharma GM(Opn), Sh. PV Kameswara Rao GM(Maint.), Sh. PK Jena GM(ADM) and other HODs represented NTPC Farakka.

CGM Farakka in his address assured all stakeholders for making available maximum quantity of ash keeping in mind the safety of ash dykes. He also assured to see the fast processing of payments to maintain cash flow of ash transporting agencies.

In the above meet, various stakeholders of Ash Utilisation such as GM(ECL), representatives from NHAI PIU Krishnagar, Malda, Sahibganj & Purnea, representatives from PW(Roads) & WBHDCL, Concessionaires of NHAI and leading transporters of Ash participated.

During the meet, a presentation was also made on “Ash Utilisation Status of NTPC & Farakka” and “Installation of GPS in Ash Transporting Vehicles”.

An “Open Forum” for bringing out strategy and action plan for smooth transportation of ash was arranged. More than 50 participants attended the meet. The meeting ended on a cordial note.